Patient Room

The staff of Personalized Health and Wellness has provided a warm and nurturing environment to help us meet your needs. We welcome you to feel at home in the comfort of our office. Presented below is one of the Personalized Health and Wellness Patient Rooms.

In order to best view this 360 degree panorama you must have the Quicktime browser plugin installed. You can install a copy by clicking here or click on the button to the right.qt7badge_QT7required

Note: Once you click the play button, you can use your mouse to move the camera around to see a 360 degree panorama of the room.

  • Testimonial

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      • I immediately signed up and within a two-month period, I was thrilled at the remarkable results. Each time I comb my hair...

        —I Was Thrilled At The Remarkable Results

      • I noticed results within weeks (mainly reduction in hair loss). After 2 months, I started seeing...

        —I Noticed Results Within Weeks