Bio-identical Pellet Therapy

There is a big difference in natural hormone replacement therapy methods, not only in the procedures themselves, but also in the delivery methods and the dosages recommended. Not every hormone replacement therapy (HRT) doctor offering bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is an expert. Many doctors lack anything more than the rudimentary training and knowledge they acquired in medical school.

What is BioTE®?

In a word: balance. Hormonal balance is key to your well-being and a delicate thing to achieve. Other hormone replacement therapies rarely accomplish or maintain the hormonal equilibrium your body depends on for optimum health. With BioTE®, your body can return to normal hormonal balance.

Is BioTE® using Hormone Pellet Therapy the best choice for natural hormone replacement therapy?

Bio-identical hormones are natural, plant-derived compounds that have the same molecular structure as those made by the human body. Unlike synthetics, our bodies can readily recognize and metabolize them. It may surprise you to know that bio-identical pellets have been used successfully by patients throughout Europe, Japan and the United States since the 1930’s. Study after study has shown that, when prescribed and administered correctly, bio-identical pellets can benefit a variety of conditions-including depression, weight gain and osteoporosis.

Other bio-identical delivery methods-Le., the creams, pills, injections and even micronize capsules-cannot provide a steady stream of hormone in your bloodstream 24/7. That means you are still subject to a roller coaster ride of hormone levels. And even though patches do provide a constant stream of hormones, they have to be changed often. And then there is the sticky adhesive issue to deal with …

Mind, Body, Spirit.

What sets BioTE® apart from other treatments that use non-pellet HRT methods?

We are committed to more than simply balancing your hormones. At BioTE®, we can help you achieve a level of well-being you haven’t felt in ages. Our philosophy mirrors what many research studies now bear out– that health and healing are inextricably entwined in the mind, body and spirit connection. Proper nutrition, staying active mentally and physically, and maintaining loving relationships are all vital to your total heal. Hope, optimism, positivity and faith also play a vital role. We call it healing from within.

Lab Tests Required

* - Required tests for both Men and Women
** - Required tests ONLY for Men
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